Monday, February 18, 2013

Well, school has started, we are currently in our second week.  I am finding it challenging.  I am teaching 4 classes.  Two of them, English and Library are ones that I expected.  However, I am also teaching two study skills classes that were more of a surprise to me. I have taught study skills occasionally, but when you add in the challenge of a new language it is keeping me busy.  Fortunately I have notes from people who taught the class before.  At this point I am teaching in English still, with some handouts and homework in Tok Pisin.  The students have been very patient about everything.  I got very worried the first week, but am remembering that I can only do my best and trust God that things will work out.

I have a kitten that I adopted from a neighbor.  I have named him Peter.  He is full of spunk, fun and naughtiness.  I kept him inside the first few days to make sure he would bond and not run away.  Now I am working to make him stay outside.  Cat litter is not available around here so indoor cats are a problem.  I do feed him a wider variety of food than I would in the U.S.  A mixture of rice and tuna is a favorite of his.

I was ill for the first time this weekend.  I developed a throat problem that looked like strep.  Thankfully, my neighbor, who is a doctor, was willing to help me, so I didn't have to go to the hospital.  I am now on antibiotics and have healed fast.  Unfortunately I missed church and some other fun weekend activities. Well, time to go review what I should teach in the study skills class tomorrow.


  1. Teaching is hard enough, but teaching in a foreign language would be a real challenge. Good luck on improving your Tok Pisin.

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